
Plum Village Chanting Book

This collection of sutras (discourses of the Buddha) and other chants and ceremonies is now available in a lovely spiral-bound edition from Parallax Press, P.O. Box 7355, Berkeley, CA 94707. The cost is $12, including shipping.

Video Tapes

Video tapes of the month long retreat on the Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana) held at Plum Village in 1990 are available. The full set includes 20 two-hour tapes.

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Plum Village Chanting Book

This collection of sutras (discourses of the Buddha) and other chants and ceremonies is now available in a lovely spiral-bound edition from Parallax Press, P.O. Box 7355, Berkeley, CA 94707. The cost is $12, including shipping.

Video Tapes

Video tapes of the month long retreat on the Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana) held at Plum Village in 1990 are available. The full set includes 20 two-hour tapes. $30/tape. All proceeds to benefit Plum Village. Contact Thanh Thien, 2006 South Baker, Santa Ana, CA 92707. (714) 546-7045.

Volunteers Needed

Parallax Press and the Community of Mindful Living seek volunteers to help in their offices, located at 850 Talbot Avenue, Albany, California 94706. For further information, please contact Jerry Horovitz, (510) 525-0101.

Ordinary Dharma Seeks Land

Our intention is to establish a community in the Los Angeles area, based on mindfulness practice and socially engaged Buddhism, that would interface with the homeless and gang communities. Interest, support, and advice is most welcome. Please contact Christopher Reed at (213) 396-5054.

Community of Mindful Living Seeks Land

For the past several years, we have had the idea to find a place where a small residential community can "bake" a life of mindfulness practice and share it with others on a regular basis—a place where we can continue offering meditation retreats for young people and families, helping professionals, veterans, artists, environmentalists, and many others. We believe that such a center can be a deep and sustaining resource for the many people who have already "dipped into the well" and for those who would benefit from an introduction to mindfulness practice.

If you know of a place of 20-100 acres, with structures on it for at least twelve people to live and fifty people to attend retreats and classes, that is available inexpensively (or free) for us to establish a practice center, please contact Arnie Kotler or Therese Fitzgerald (510) 527-3751.

Documentary Film

Filmmakers Ken Green and Gaetano Maida have documented Thich Nhat Hanh's work for peace and reconciliation worldwide. Filming began at Plum Village last summer and includes footage of the "peace walk" at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial last November and the retreats with veterans, refugees, environmentalists, helping professionals, and young people this Spring. The project needs financial support to reach completion. For information, please contact Gaetano Maida, Legacy Productions, 1307 Josephine Street, Berkeley, CA 94703, phone (415) 525-7594; fax (415) 524-9739.

The Upaya Foundation

The Upaya Foundation is a Buddhist organization affiliated with the Tiep Hien Order that is dedicated to education and practices that foster effective action and right livelihood. Its founder is Joan Halifax. Upaya offers pilgrimage treks to Japan, Nepal, Mayan sacred lands, and the rainforests of southern Mexico. For more information contact Joan Halifax, P.O. Box 359, Crestone, CO 81131, or call (800) 888-6423 ext. 2182.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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